Killstreaks are bonuses that are earned by killing multiple enemies in a row without dying or gaining points by completing objectives. The name has been changed in Modern Warfare 3 to pointstreak because now completing objectives such as capturing a flag count toward getting your poinstreak reward instead of just getting kills like previous Call of Duty games. There are also deathstreaks which are earned by dying a certain number of times without a kill.
There are three different killstreak packages or “pointstreaks” for Modern Warfare 3 called Assault, Support, and Specialist. The Specialist Strike Package doesn’t have any killstreaks, but it allows you to choose 3 additional perks. The Support Strike Package allows you to die without having your streak reset.
These perks operate in addition to the standard 3 assigned to the custom load out chosen at the beginning of a match.
Assault Pointstreaks
Similar to the killstreak reward system in MW2 and Black Ops having things like the predator drone and helicopters. The pointstreak count resets upon death.
Note: the numbers next to the pointstreak name means how many kills are required to unlock it.
UAV – 3
The Modern Warfare 3 UAV Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in an unmanned aerial recon vehicle that gives the player a mini-map for 30 seconds that details the location of any opponents. It shows their locations even when they are not firing a weapon unlike the regular mini-map display.
Care Package – 4
The Modern Warfare 3 Care Package Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in an air-dropped crate that contains a random benefit for the player. It might be anything from ammo to the most powerful killstreak.
IMS – 5
Intelligent Munitions System Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain is a ground based mine that fires an explosive projectile vertically.
Predator Missile – 5
Predator Missile Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in a AGM-114 Hellfire missile that is deployed from an aerial vehicle and is remote controlled by the player until it explodes upon impacting a target or running out of fuel. Players can accelerate the missile by using the fire button. It can be used to take out aerial vehicles.
Sentry Gun – 5
Sentry Gun Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain is an unmanned turret mounted machine gun that automatically targets and fires upon enemies using thermal detection technology.
Precision Airstrike – 6
Precision Airstrike Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in three F-15 fighter jets to make a bombing run on a location of the players choice.
Attack Helicopter – 7
Attack Helicopter Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in a helicopter that automatically targets enemies from the air. It has a large firing range and moves quickly making it harder to target than some of the other choppers in the game.
Strafe Run – 9
Strafe Run Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain will call in 5 attack helicopters that sweep a player designated area twice then leave.
Little bird Guard – 9
Little Bird Guard Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in an AH-6 helicopter that follows the player and fires on any enemies encountered.
Reaper – 9
Reaper Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in an armed Reaper UAV which allows a player to spot targets from overhead and launch up to 5 rockets at them with the help of a laser guidance system.
Assault Drone – 10
Assault Drone Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in the airdrop of a player controlled drone armed with a 50 round MK46 light machine gun and a single shot rocket launcher. It lasts for one minute or until it has taken too much enemy fire.
AC130 – 12
AC130 Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain allows the player to take the control of the guns on and AC-130 while flying over a map.
Pave Low Chopper – 12
Pave Low Chopper Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in the MH-53, a heavily armored assault helicopter. It is more difficult to take down and has more fire power than other choppers in the game.
Juggernaut – 15
Juggernaut Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain gives the player enhanced body armor along with an M60E4 light machine gun and an MP412 handgun.
Osprey Gunner – 17
Osprey Gunner Killstreak /Assault Strike Chain calls in a V-22 Osprey Helicopter and gives the player control of the guns while delivering four care packages plus one booby trapped care package.
Support Pointstreaks
Offers rewards such as UAVs and Sam Turrets. Unlike previous versions of the game, this package will not make the players killstreak / pointstreak count reset upon death. Instead, it will accumulate over the course of a match.
Note: the numbers next to the pointstreak name means how many kills are required to unlock it.
UAV – 4
UAV Killstreak /Support Strike Chain calls in an unmanned aerial recon vehicle that gives the player a mini-map for 30 seconds that details the location of any opponents. It shows their locations even when they are not firing a weapon unlike the regular mini-map display. It can be shot down or jammed with a Counter UAV.
Counter UAV – 5
Counter UAV Killstreak /Support Strike Chain disrupts maps and mini-maps of your enemy. Also blocks any radar or maps associated with killstreaks. It can be shot down. It is a 5 point strike package reward.
Ballistic Vests – 5
Ballistic Vests Killstreak /Support Strike Chain supplies a duffel bag with vests that increase overall health by 30 points. They are available to teammates but they must pick up one from the duffel bag.
Airdrop Trap – 5
Airdrop Trap Killstreak /Support Strike Chain deploys a booby trapped care package. If an enemy attempts to capture it, a violent explosion will occur killing all within range.
SAM Turret – 8
SAM Turret Killstreak /Support Strike Chain is an unmanned missile launcher that automatically locks on to enemy aircraft and destroys them. It is called in via air drop and is vulnerable to ground attack.
Recon Drone – 10
Recon Drone Killstreak /Support Strike Chain gives you a small UAV helicopter that can fly around the map and tag enemy players revealing their locations.
Advanced AUV – 12
Advanced UAV Killstreak /Support Strike Chain grants the use of an Orbital Reconnaissance Satellite that show the position and direction of enemies on the player’s mini-map. Since it is a satellite it cannot be seen and cannot be shot down.
Remote Turret – 12
Remote Turret Killstreak /Support Strike Chain calls in a turret mounted machine gun that the player can remotely control.
Stealth Bomber – 14
Stealth Bomber Killstreak /Support Strike Chain calls in a B-2 bomber over the map and carpet bombs a designated area. It is invisible to radar and cannot be shot down.
EMP – 18
EMP Killstreak /Support Strike Chain is an Electro-Magnetic Pulse that disables enemy air support and electronics.
Juggernaut Recon – 18
Juggernaut Recon Killstreak /Support Strike Chain calls in an air drop of enhanced Juggernaut armor equipped with a riot shield and a USP .45 handgun. It grants enhanced damage resistance and acts as a mobile motion sensor.
Escort Airdrop – 18
Escort Air Drop Killstreak /Support Strike Chain calls in a V-22 Osprey helicopter that drops four care packages and one booby trapped care package. The chopper still also automatically fires on enemy players while it is on screen.
Specialist Pointstreaks
Specialist Pointstreaks will reward players with perks instead of strike packages. After every 2nd kill, the player will receive new perk options. The streak count will reset each time a player dies.
- 2 Kills: Choose 1 extra perk
- 4 Kills: Choose 2 extra perks
- 6 Kills: Choose 3 extra perks
- 8 Kills: Get all perks
Deathstreak Rewards:
- Juiced – Available after 4 deaths. Allows you to move faster for a few seconds after respawning.
- Final Stand – Available after 4 deaths. Once killed, you can still crawl around and use your primary weapon. One hit from the enemy ends Final Stand.
- Martyrdom – Available after 4 deaths. Drop a live grenade once killed.
- Revenge – Available after 5 deaths. Shows the position of the last enemy that killed you on the radar.
- Hollow points – Available after 5 deaths. Works like Stopping Power by giving extra bullet damage.
- Dead Man’s Hand – Available after 6 deaths. Like Final Stand, but instead you will have two C4′s in your hands.
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Source: mw3strategyguides
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